A while back I found beer recipes for a partial-grain Saison and Milk Stout on Homebrew.com (which is defunct). I brewed both of the recipes and was very happy with the results.
I took notes along the way on each of the brewing sessions. I wisely posted my Saison recipe notes but never got down to doing the same with the Milk Stout recipe. As this was a few years ago, both beers are long gone now and I can no longer find the Milk Stout notes.
I am going to try making the Milk Stout again and this time I am choosing to start out with this post and I will come back to edit whatever I change along the way. This is the Milk Stout ingredient list that I will be using this time:
Milk Stout Ingredients
1 pound Briess Caramel 120L malt
12 ounces Briess Organic Roasted Barley malt
8 ounces Briess Organic Chocolate malt
1 pound Flaked Oats
5 pounds Northern Brewer Dark Malt Syrup
1.25 ounces UK Kent Goldings Hop Pellets
1 pound Lactose
1 teaspoon Irish Moss
1 pckg Wyeast 1318 London Ale III yeast
Approximate alcohol content: 4.5 percent.
Milk Stout Directions
- Mill the malted barley (I am buying it milled.)
- Add the flaked oats to the malted barley and place the mixture into grain bag.
- Steep the filled grain bag in 2 gallons of 150° F hot water for 30 minutes.
- Remove the filled grain bag from the water
- Add the Dark Malt Syrup
- Bring to a boil
- Add the Kent Goldings hops. Return to boil. Mixture will foam up. Add and remove from heating until mixture stops foaming over.
- After foaming stops, boil for 35 minutes
- Add the lactose and Irish Moss.
- Boil for 15 minutes
- Remove from heat and place in an ice bath to cool.
- Decant into fermenter.
- Cool to below 85° F. (A wort chiller is helpful here.)
- Move the unfermented beer (wort) into your bew bucket and add 3+ gallons of cold water until the mixture of wort and water equals 5 gallons total.
- Add yeast.
- Wait 10 minutes and then give the top of the mixture a quick stir.
- Seal brew bucket, add airlock and leave in 75 ° F area.
- Wait three weeks and then move to second fermentation in different brew bucket.
- Seal brew bucket and add airlock and leave in 75 ° F area.
- Wait two weeks and then move to bottling bucket.
- Add priming sugar and bottle.
- Wait at least 3 weeks before drinking