Just requested my second round of print seed catalogs. Here is what I sent off for:
Seed and Plant Catalogs
My First Attempt at Growing Hops
Photos from My Garden
The Departed
Watched The Departed on DVD a couple of nights ago. This is a fantastic movie. I see why it received 3.5 (of 4.0) stars from BigPictureBigSound After the movie ended, I promptly went to my Netflix queue and requested the
US Dollar Coins
Last night I was standing in the self checkout line in the local grocery store. I watched as all three of the people in line in front of me remembered to grab their coin change and nearly walked away without
Major League Baseball Rules Changes
Turns out that there are a few changes to the MLB rules for the 2007 season. This one struck me a pretty interesting: “With no runners on, a pitcher will be required to pitch within 12 seconds, the timing starting
Bring on the Valium
If you should find yourself needing to go in for an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and the doctor asks if you want Valium (or something of the sort) for the procedure the answer to this question is YES. It is
Antikythera Mechanism
Last night, I was listening to All Things Considered on NPR and I caught a story about an ancient Greek device that was recovered about 100 years ago. Upon arriving home, I phonetically keyed this into a search as “antikitherer”
Day One
It seems like I spend a decent amount of my time searching through blog postings in an attempt to find answers to the varying questions. With this in mind, I choose to add my own thoughts into this collective consciousness.